Author: Information from the book's Themes of Acusoft


Micro system is an area of the human body in which the majority of bodily functions are represented. There are many Microsystems, such as the eye, hand, nose etc... Some Microsystems have only diagnostic possibilities as the Micro system of the eye and tongue. Other Microsystems, such as the Auriculotherapy or the skull puncture, besides having diagnostic possibilities, they are important therapeutic systems. For this reason, we have included Auriculotherapy in the suite of Acusoft programmes.
However, the Microsystems are always reflex systems. This means that micro-are relatively easy to use, and they can help us to quickly relieve the patient of their symptoms more annoying (in general: pain). Microsystems can be used in combination with acupuncture, either at the same time in a session, or alternating therewith.
Auriculotherapy is a Microsystem that besides having diagnostic possibilities, it is important from a therapeutic point of view.

Auriculotherapy's Indications
Auriculotherapy is indicated like an assistant system in the treatment of the pain, and functional or organic disorders of the organs and viscera.

(The following text applies especially to the use of needles)
Very debilitated patients especially, or elderly with low vitality, or cardiac patients severe, as well as pregnant women in the third month of pregnancy, should not be treated with Auriculotherapy.
The Aurículoterapy should be used carefully in patients treated with anticoagulants in diabetics, patients with hyperuricemia and in the case of infections.

The Aurículoterapy is ineffective in patients with degenerative central nervous system conditions and in all that pathology where reflects neurological pathway is interrupted.

NEVER SUPPRESS a pain that may be indicating the need for a surgical intervention.


You should be familiar with the anatomy of the Pavilion (Pinna) and locate points according to their proximity to anatomical references


You can make mistakes in the location of points if you don't know these references. This is so, because any ear is not equal to another, and the anatomical variations from one individual to another can be very different in their relative proportions.
When one looks at the ear, the visible surface of the pinna is called external surface of the ear, while the side not visible is called internal face or posterior face.

Click on the "sectors and groups" tab of the auriculotherapy program, then select the button "sectors" and see the points of the zones of the pinna.
The area of the concha (upper and lower) is attached to the skull and it is innervated by the pneumogastric nerve (By its Jacobson or auricular branch). For this reason, the function of the concha points corresponds to the vegetative system and is in that zone where we will find the projections of the organs of endodermic origin.

The antihelix represents the projection of the mesoderm and is innervated by the trigeminal nerve. The antihelix represents the spine and its body continues with the antitragus, which represents the bones of the skull and face.

The superior root of the antihelix represents the lower limb (but for French and English authors, lower limb is placed on the inferior root of antihelix), and helix channel represents the shoulder and upper limb.

The part of the helix placed ahead (knee and root zone) of the tubercle of Darwin represents the Genitourinary organs.

The lower half of the helix and the earlobe are innervated by the superficial cervical Plexus, and represent the ectoderm (nervous system).
The tubercle of Darwin represents Medullar horsetail. The part of the helix situated below the tubercle of Darwin represents the area of the spinal cord, while the brain stem, brain and cerebellum are projected in the ear lobe. (In the area between the lobe and the antitragus).
The Tragus does not have well defined innervations. The outer face of the tragus represents the brain interhemispherically fibres, especially the corpus callosum. The reticular formation is projected on the inner side of the Tragus.


The inspection:
These observations are not very reliable, but may warn about certain problems
a) You should see if there are stains on the surface of the ear.
A spot of red colour indicated the possible existence of an acute illness.
A whitish spot indicates the possible existence of a chronic disease.
A patch of pale red colour indicates the possible existence of a chronic disease that evolves by crisis (recurrent). A greyish colour spot indicated the possible existence of a disease of reserved prognosis.

b) You should see if there are bumps on the surface of the ear.
The protuberances in cords, they can indicate the existence of joint pain at the ear's zone where they find themselves.
If protuberances have way of chains, they can indicate the presence of neuritis.
If protuberances have way of papules and their colour is white, they can indicate the presence of cholelithiasis, of bronchitis or diarrhoeas. If their colour is greyish it can indicates neurodermitis.

c) You should see if there are depressions when examine the surface of the ear.
If depressions are linear shaped (like a fine ditch), they may indicate the existence of ulcers or heart disease depending on the area where they are located.
When depression is less deep (like a stretch mark) it can be indicating a surgical intervention in the area of the point...

d) You should see if there are small veins on the surface of the ear.
If there are small veins fan-shaped, these may indicate the existence of ulcers, lumbago, etc...
If there are small veins branched as the branches of a tree, they may indicate the existence of joint pain or bronchiectasis.
If the journey of a vein is jerky (as if a dashed line), this may indicate the existence of ischemia, especially in the cardiac area.
If there are small red veins, these may indicate that the disease is acute. If they are pale violet, this may indicate a disease in the process of healing.


Unfortunately, the various schools of Auriculotherapy have not reached even to completely agree on the number, location and the name of the points. For this reason, the number of the points that have been used, has been arbitrary (Acusoft has more than 300 Auriculotherapy points)
With regard to the name of the point, have been used all possible synonyms.
With regard to location, there is no French and Chinese coincidence in schools with regard to the topography of certain points. That is why we have included in the program, the location of the point as both schools.
In this way, when you select a disease in which for example it is indicated to puncture the point "Kidney", Acusoft will show you both kidney points. That is, according on the French location and also the Chinese location. This does not mean that the user should puncture both points. The physician should choose the point that it is more painful to pressure or the point indicated by the detector as an asset.
An exact position of one point in a sketch cannot be attempted, because in addition to that there is no coincidence for part of the schools, all the ears are different. For that reason, the description of the location of the point is only approximate
The user must always search for the point in the corresponding area of the patient ear.
The search is done with a detector of points or with a blunt object. (The active point is always more sensitive than the rest, and the patient feels pain by pressing with a force which is not usually painful)
Besides, SOME POINTS OVERLAP and probably be the same point.
For example, if you look for the "Cortex of Corpus Callosum" point, you will see that it is located in the centre of the intertragic notch, and if you look for "Hypotension" point, you will see that it is located in the same area. The program displays two different (though very close) points, but both are probably the same point.
How do we proceed then?
To continue the example, if an individual has emotional problems, go to the centre of the intertragic notch, and see if there is an active point in that area. If the item is active it is possible that you've found the "Cortex of Corpus Callosum" point. On the other hand, if the individual possesses a high blood pressure, and the point is active it is possible that you have found the point "Hypotension".
In other words, whether the patient has emotional disorders or high blood pressure, the program always lead to investigate the intertragic notch to see if there is an active point.
If a point is not active it has NO therapeutic usefulness.
You can move the points in the figure according to your own discretion (click the box in the lower left corner of the figure of the ear, and follow the instructions).

If you disagree with the existence of a point, simply move the point to an area of the shape where not disturbed (outside of the ear)

In the scheme of Auriculotherapy, there are groups of points that are represented by a single point.
For example, locate the 277-FINGERS point and click on image of the note

You will see an additional screen, which shows you that the selected point is a "group" of points. We take this form of representation to not overload the global points view. Anyway, if you want to treat the fingers, you should investigate the area indicated in the note.

There are several systems of representation in the ear, which overlap. I.e., there are several systems mapping of the ear. DR. Noguier has defined each of these systems with the name of PHASES (see OLESSON T., "Aurículoterapia (Sistemas chino y occidental de acupuntura auricular", Panamericana, Buenos Aires 2008, pág 73 y siguientes)

Phase I, represents the model of the inverted fetus. This is the most widely used model, and most of the points represented in the programme correspond to the phase I. in addition, this model is used to treat the majority of clinical diseases.

Phase II is used to treat psychosomatic disorders related or not with the clinical pathology (e.g. emotional components related with chronic pathologies). The most important points of phase II had been included in the schemes of the programme.

Phase III is used to treat subtle changes in cellular electromagnetic fields. This phase is used to treat conditions idiosyncratic, but it is still little used.

Phase IV is a mapping that represents the man "head down" on the rear face of the ear. Most of its points correspond to points of phase I but in the rear face of the ear, and have been included in the programme.
For example, locate the 280- SUPERIOR LIMB OF THE CONCHA, point and click on image of the note . You will see that the representation of the members is different for each of the phases.

THE ANTERIOR FACE OF THE EAR is sensitive, and therefore more effective for treating pain, while the POSTERIOR FACE OF THE EAR IS MOTOR and therefore more effective for treating DISORDERS OF THE MOBILITY

For example, if the patient has pain in the hand, the doctor uses the point "HAND OR PALM" in the anterior face of the ear. On the other hand, if the patient has a motor disorder of the hand, it is best to puncture the PROYECTION of the point “hand” on the POSTERIOR face of the ear. (That is to say 296-HAND POSTERIOR)
In other words, phase I has sensory dominance and phase IV has motor dominance.


In general, to treat an illness, if there is not a painful or electrically detectable point, there is no reason to Auriculotherapy.
The point must be sensitive or you must detect it by electro. Thus, when you select a disease from the "therapeutic" tab, you do not need PUNCTURE ALL the points in the scheme. You must select the points that are active (i.e. painful or detectable by electro) in other words, the program presents points which experience has shown that they are often active in the selected pathology.


In addition, in the "Therapeutic" tab, you will see that many of the signs of the points are repeated two, three or four times, but followed by an abbreviation in parentheses.
1- Start with the symptoms followed by the abbreviation PP (principal points). You will see appearing the most active points on the condition selected according with most of the consulted authors (see the bibliography at the end of this note).
2- If you don't find any of these active points, or if in subsequent sessions the treatment is inadequate, recourse to investigate the secondary points = PS you will see other points indicated in the same pathology appearing).
Note: PS is omitted when the difference in points between (PP) and (G) is insignificant.
3- If you do not find any of these active points (PP or PS) or if, in subsequent sessions, treatment is inadequate, double click on the symptoms followed by the acronym (G) (general points). With this last action, you can view the sum of the PP and PS points in the same image, as well as some other much less frequent than the former points.
That's to say, you will see a considerably bigger points quantity appearing.
4- When the indication is unique, (is not followed by an abbreviation in parentheses) in general is just one minor indication or with few points to see, so it is not necessary to resort to repetitions.
Whatever is the option to choose, note that you can click on the "Advanced" button of the "therapeutic" tab to see a list of the points made by Acusoft?


The colour with which the program displays a point is standardized:
1- YELLOW means that the point punctured in the place in which you see in Figure.
2- BLUE signifies than for to puncture the point you should move the structure that covers it up. (For example, for to puncture the point 51- SYMPATHETIC NEUROVEGETATIVE SYSTEM, you should move the part of the helix that covers that point)"
3- RED means that the point is located on the inner side of the structure (For example, the 116-THALAMUS point is located on the inner side of the antitragus)
To change the colour of a point, click on the button in the upper left corner of the figure, and select the colour of the point that you want.

For more information see the Auriculotherapy Help…

Technical puncture of the points:
You can use needles, magnets or senna vaccaria seeds. In the case of the needles, the thickness of the same must be 0.25 to 0.30 mm. You must puncture to cartilage without perforating it. The angle of the needle must be 90 °, except the antihelix and the scaphoid notch in which the angle must be 45 °.
Some tend to turn of 180 degrees to the needle after performing the puncture.

A PROPER ANTISEPSIS SHOULD BE PERFORMED: INFECTION OF THE EAR AND ESPECIALLY OF THE AURICULAR CARTILAGE CAN HAVE VERY UNPLEASANT CONSEQUENCES! If you don't have the above conditions, it is preferable to use seeds from senna vaccaria or magnets.

Chronological order of the puncture:
1- First must puncture local points, i.e. points of the area involved in the pathology.
2- Then puncturing the master points of the area or pathology.
3- Finally you must puncture the functional points.

Laterality: If the disease is located on one side of the body, use the ear on the same side (effective in 80% of cases) but also, the puncture may be bilateral. Systemic conditions use the dominant ear (right into the right-handers and left into the left-handers)

Note: It is not uncommon that the patient has a disorder of the laterality, so we recommend bilateral Therapeutics. (In any case, you read the works of NOGIER and OLESSON are mentioned in the bibliography.)

There are 18 points that represent anatomical reliefs of the ear. These points are relatively easy to locate. They serve to establish the location of other points.

1- In the 'Points' tab
2- Press the button "Clean"
3- Press the button "PR", and you will see the reference points.

0: the zero point is located in the Centre of the ear in a notch where the root of the helix is born.
1: point is located Where the Helix joins the face (in the projection of the inferior root of the antihelix)
2: point is located in the highest point or apex of the ear.
3 y 4: at the top and bottom edge of the tubercle of Darwin
5: Where the Helix makes a curve before finalizing
6: At the end of the cartilage of Helix (at its junction with the ear lobe)
7: The point more bottom of the ear (is in a straight line that passes by the apex and zero-point)
8: At the junction of the earlobe with the face.
9: At the intertragic notch
10 y 11: In the lower and upper prominences of the tragus
12: in the centre of the tuber that stands on the lower edge of the antitragus.
13: At the junction of the lower edge with the upper edge of the antitragus (apex of the antitragus)
14: At the junction of antihelix with antitragus.
15: In the Division of the body and tail of the antihelix
16: The birth of the inferior root of the antihelix
17: In the middle of the inferior root of the antihelix.

For a better location of points, the ear has been divided into zones:
The outer face of the ear

FE = Fossa Scaphoid or channel of the Helix (6 zones)
HX = Helix (15 zones)
AH = Antihelix (18 zones)
FT = Fossa Triangular or Deltoidea (6 zone)
TG = tragus (5 zone)
IT = Intertragic notch (2 zone)
AT = Antitrago (3 zone)
LO = Lobe (8 zone)
CS = Concha Superior (8 zone)
CC = Crest of Concha (2 Zone)
CI = Concha Inferior (8 zone)
The key is the Antihelix: divide the Antihelix and its upper root lengthwise (Red line).
Then draw a curve parallel to the lower edge of the Antihelix, but continue the upper edge of the lower root, until joining the red line (GREEN Line).
Then draw a line parallel to the inferior border of the Antihelix, to divide the CONCHA superior in two (cefalocaudal) (BLUE LINE).
Then draw the bisector of the triangular Fossa (Deltoidea) (YELLOW Line).
Then divide the lower concha, with a line that goes from the birth of the root of the helix towards the centre of the intertragic notch (BROWN Line)
Horizontally divided the earlobe with a line parallel to the lower edge (sky blue Line)
Now drag the thickness of the root of the HELIX (BLACK Line)

Consider numbering areas (generally is from the bottom TO upwards)
Intertragic notch represents a single area by itself, its outer face is called IT1, and his face internal IT2.
In addition, there are faces of the ear that are hidden (such as for example the inner wall of the concha) and for viewing tabs should be used as shown in the next figure:

As shown in the figure above, when move the Antihelix and the antitragus to the outside are displayed 10 areas that correspond to the wall of the concha = PC (that were hidden before the separation of the Antihelix)
In the same way, when move the tragus is exposed the inner side of the same, showing 5 zones that correspond to external areas of the tragus, and are called Subtragus = ST
Finally, to discover the inner side of helix (upper separators), this is divided into 12 sectors called HI (helix internal) and ranging from HI1 HI12.


LP: posterior lobe of the ear
SP: Posterior Groove of the ear
PP: Rear edge of the ear
CP: Concha posterior
TP: Posterior triangle (corresponding to the triangular Fossa or deltoid)

NOTA: Siempre puede ver las zonas de la oreja si usted clic en el botón "Zones" .


AISEMBERG S, "Apuntes del ciclo lectivo del curso universitario de acupuntura", Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires.,2004
BOSSY J. , "Los microsistemas de la acupuntura", Masson1987.
CARBALLO F. "Acupuntura China", Kier, 1973
CARBALLO F., "acupuntura y auriculoterapia", Kier, Bs AS, 1981
CHAITOW L. "Acupuntura Y Tratamiento Del Dolor"
FIGUEREO, V. M., "El Hombre Reflejado En Su Oreja", Mandala ediciones
GROBLAS A. LEVY ""traité d'acupunture auriculaire" Mailoine S.A., 1986
P.F.M "Traité d'auriculoterapie" Maisonneuve, 1969
NOGIER P.F.M ·De l'd'auriculoterapie a l'auriculomedicine", Maisonneuve, 1981
NOGUEIRA PEREZ "la fisiopatología y el tratamiento en bioenergética", Mandala ediciones ,1996
NGUYEN VAN NGHI "Patogenia Y Patología"
NGUYEN VAN NGHI "medicina tradicional china"
OLESON T., "Auriculotherapia (Sistemas chino y occidental de acupuntura auricular)", Panamericana , Buenos Aires 2008
PUJET J. , "Auriculoterapia Hoy"
RUBIO SAEZ, "Auriculoterapia Práctica"
SANTARO, M. "L'acupunture par l'oreille", Maloine, Paris 1974

Author: Dr. Jorge Alberto Seren. For information about the Acusoft software: